Tuesday, April 21, 2015

[Petenshi] Sweets Flavor

Petenshi's back! In this story, Nao finally makes her boyfriend Valentine's Day chocolate, but it looks so good that she ends up eating it by accident. He still has to "eat" something, though...


  1. Thank you for yet another release, guys ! :)

    When I saw your wordpress.com blog had shut down I was freaked out, it's a relief to find you alive and well :)

    Something weird, though, in your website name with blogspot, why go for
    instead of

    See what I mean ? Why this "t" letter in the middle ? O_o

    (Also, a side note, you really should allow Name/URL comment options, otherwise it's requiring us to have a wordpress, google, AIM or some other social media credentials.)

    1. I could give a long spiel about how the "t" holds a very deep significance and how it's a way to throw off any potential pursers but... It's just a typo. I corrected it which you will already realize if you're reading this post.

      Also, anyone can now comment on this blog.
